1. Strategic PlanningYour strategy is who you are, what you do, where, and for whom. It is based on value - both the value you offer to customers as well as the core values that drive your organization. It's clear. It's unwavering. It's the widely-held mantra of the organization. It is the roadmap that directs each department's day-to-day activities, ensuring that everyone is contributing directly to the strategic objectives of the organization.
If you don't have that kind of focus in your company, we have so much to talk about! 2. Marketing PlanningWith your strategy in place, and new markets and customers identified, the next step is putting a marketing plan together to build interest in and demand for your products and services.
Lots of marketing ideas out there. Facebook. Radio ads. Billboards. Email. Direct mail. YouTube. All of them good. So, you've got the budget to run them all? Terrific! Oh, you were kidding. Thought so. Like almost every other company on the planet (save for the Googles and CocaColas of the world), your marketing resources (time and money) are limited. The key to a good marketing plan is the generation of ideas, but also the prioritization of the best ones so your limited resources are well spent. Our marketing planning process identifies all the ideas that are relevant for and effective in your industry, then evaluates them based on the anticipated return for you. Let us show you how it works. 3. Marketing ExecutionAlmost every company on the planet (again, save for the Googles and CocaColas) is short-staffed. Not enough people to do everything they want to do. Sound familiar? Share Of Marketing can be that extra set of hands you need to execute your best ideas. Or, outsource your marketing to Share Of Marketing so you can focus on what you do best.
Many of the latest marketing trends (social media, web marketing, search marketing) require continuous effort to stay connected and to build excitement about your company. If you don't have that kind of time to spare, let us help. 519.274.1596 or [email protected] |